BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Are we making Legacy ‘a Thing’? UID:166 DESCRIPTION:ABPCO has partnered with Lime Venue Portfolio and The Imperial War Museum London for a deeper dive into legacy within the events industry; are we really getting it wrong? What are the common flaws, and how can we look to put them right?\n\nIn short, are we making Legacy ‘a Thing’?\n\nFeaturing special guest, James Lancaster, Editor Association Meetings International, and writer of the viral blog ‘Are We Making Legacy ‘A Thing’, as well as a live case study from an event professional from the Imperial War Museum’s research and curatorial department, this will be an immersive event that offers discussion, networking, and the chance to understand the evolving subject of Legacy and where it is going beyond 2024.\n\nDelegates will be invited to see ‘legacy brought to life’ through a live and interactive case study of modern legacy, whilst having the chance to contribute to a networking lunch and discussion (debate) on legacy rights and wrongs. The day will conclude with an exploration of the legacy story from one of London’s most popular museums.\n\nEven the food at lunch will say something about legacy …\n\nSpaces are limited, please register your interest.  This is for Full and Associate PCOs only.\n\n\n\n DTSTART:20240523T093000Z DTEND:20240523T150000Z LOCATION:Imperial War Museum, London END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR