BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:EDI Roundtable UID:178 DESCRIPTION:To book for or join this event please use this link:\n\nABPCO Roundtable – EDI\n\nIn the dynamic world of business events, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) has become more than just a buzzword; it's a crucial driver of positive societal change.  As an industry it is our responsibility to explore and learn how we can play our part in a more inclusive society.\n\nWe often hear lots of conversations around gender, sexuality, and religion, all very important conversations to have, however at this virtual roundtable event we are going to focus on an aspect that often doesn't receive as much attention as it deserves—neurodiversity.\n\nIt is estimated that 20% of the UK population are neurodivergent, but the true figure is closer to 40% as many go undiagnosed. \n\nAt this roundtable hear from Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC) and their experience of working with the It Takes All Kinds Of Mind (ITAKOM) 2023 Conference - an international conference dedicated to neurodiversity and inclusion.  Uncover lessons learned that will empower you on your EDI journey and explore challenges and successes with industry colleagues. \n\nLet's transform events into platforms where everyone feels welcomed, represented, and empowered to participate fully.\n\n\n\n DTSTART:20240605T130000Z DTEND:20240605T140000Z LOCATION:Via zoom LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR